STORMWATER: Monthly workshops will begin Dec. 10 as opportunity to learn more about program, options
Posted by Jared Shepherd
- December 5th, 2012
- in Miscellaneous
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Monthly informational workshops to offer in-person assistance to customers; billing for Regional Stormwater Management Program will begin in January
Beginning December 10, the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District will conduct regularly scheduled informational workshops for its Regional Stormwater Management Program.
At these informal workshops, residents and business owners will learn more about this regional program. In addition, Sewer District representatives will help customers complete credit applications and explain how impervious area is measured and how fees are calculated using these impervious measurements. Although billing for the program begins January 2013, detailed planning for early-stage projects is already underway.
- Meetings will be scheduled for the second Monday of each month beginning December 10
- Additional dates include January 14, February 11, March 11 and April 8
- 6:00 p.m. at NEORSD’s George J. McMonagle Administration Building
- 3900 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland (Parking lot entrance off East 40th Street)
- Due to Homeland Security regulations, all building visitors must show photo ID
- Register online at neorsd.org/stormwater101 or by calling Customer Service at 216.881.8247
In addition to the workshops, the Sewer District is currently mailing customers letters explaining the program and listing their property’s fee. More than 80% of more than 300,000 letters have been mailed since November.
Depending on property size, residential customers will fall into one of three tiers:
- Tier 1: Less than 2000 square feet of impervious surface: $9.09 per quarter
- Tier 2: 2000-4000 square feet of impervious surface: $15.15 per quarter
- Tier 3: More than 4000 square feet of impervious surface: $27.27 per quarter
Further, the Sewer District launched a new online customer service tool to enable residential and non-residential customers to look-up their Stormwater Fees by entering their property’s address. This tool is available at neorsd.org/findmyfee.
Credit opportunities are available for residential and non-residential customers. Details about the Credit Program and a copy of the Stormwater Fee Credit Manual are available online at neorsd.org/stormwater.
About the Program
The Sewer District’s Regional Stormwater Management Program addresses flooding, streambank erosion and water quality problems throughout its defined Stormwater Service Area. In addition, the Sewer District will assume responsibility for millions of dollars of necessary maintenance along streams across the region.
The average homeowner within the Sewer District’s Stormwater Service Area would be charged $5.05 per month, or $60.60 per year, to pay for regional stormwater-related construction projects and maintenance. The Sewer District has identified more than $220 million of needed construction projects, and detailed planning on some projects has already begun. These stormwater-related projects will provide relief to multiple communities within each watershed.
Additional information about the Regional Stormwater Management Program is available at neorsd.org/stormwater.