STORMWATER: How to apply for credits, and where to find the help you need
Posted by Jared Shepherd
- November 16th, 2012
- in Miscellaneous
- One Comment
A customer named Theresa recently asked our Facebook page if we’re planning meetings to discuss stormwater program credit opportunities. The answer is Yes.
Starting next month, we will hold monthly evening meetings at our Administration Building for customers who may need assistance applying for credits, or for anyone with questions about the program. We will also present local sessions if a community requests them.
Theresa also mentioned our fee credit manual. If it’s tough flipping through the 60+ page full manual to see what opportunities are best for you, consider starting with the abbreviated Residential overview available as a download here under “Ways to save.” http://neorsd.org/stormwater
It’s a 15-page guide that may be more reader friendly, and includes all the residential applications you would need to get started. This graphic on page 7 outlines the application process:
Comments ( 1 )
I, and probably 198 other Olympia homeowners in Strongsville, are upset with the fact that you arbitrarily took away our Stormwater Credit. Olympia has a retention basin that was considered a Stormwater Control Measure (SCM). As a result it allowed all Olympia residents to obtain the credit last year. Now it suddenly disappeared with no notice of any kind.
It seems to me that it is just another way for the NEORSD to sucker homeowners. Most of your customers were probably aware when you imposed the Stormwater Charge, but were thankful if they could get the credit. Now a year later they have forgotten about it, so the credit can disappear and most won’t even be aware of it.
Thanks a bunch.
Bill Bruton