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NEWS: Cleveland Heights and Berea customers, your stormwater bill and sewer/water bills are separate

If you are a customer living in Cleveland Heights or Berea, you will need to pay your 2013 stormwater bill separate from your cities’ water and sewer bills. Here’s why.

As Sewer District customers in our stormwater service area, you will receive a bill for the new stormwater fee starting in 2013. This new fee supports our Regional Stormwater Management Program, which will reduce flooding, decrease erosion, and improve water quality.

The stormwater fee will appear on a new stormwater bill directly from the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District; it will not be included with any other water or sewer bills you may receive from your city. Be advised that when you receive your stormwater bill from the Sewer District, please pay it separately from your current water and sewer bill from your city.

At this point, the Sewer District only accepts checks and money orders, payable to the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District (or NEORSD).

P.O. Box 94550
Cleveland, Ohio 44101

If you have questions or concerns, email us at, call Customer Service at (216) 881-8247, or tweet us @neorsd.

Photo: morguefile/xandert