Lower Shaker Lake Dam Reconstruction
Restoration project will bring dam up to safety standards, address downstream flooding, and restore a stretch of Doan Brook
This project will address the deficiencies of the 150-year-old dam, reconstruct the dam to safely pass the required design flood, reduce the frequency and severity of flooding downstream, and restore Doan Brook immediately downstream of the dam. All these goals shall be met while providing adequate consideration of the surrounding parkland and cultural and ecological resources.
More information about this project will be coming soon.
Currently in the pre-design phase, this project will involve significant opportunities for customer engagement. We will post updates, meeting plans, and outreach events on this page. You can also contact us to stay connected as this project advances.
Pre-design project summary as presented to NEORSD Trustees June 15, 2023.
Project update: Two public engagement events set for May
Posted April 18, 2024 / Updated May 21, 2024
Please join us on May 20th (virtual) and May 21 (two in-person sessions) for an update on the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District’s Lower Shaker Lake Dam Reconstruction project. We will talk about where we are in the Pre-design process and what the Design Team has learned so far about the condition of the dam. We will also discuss the next steps of the project as we move through Pre-Design.
Our meeting Monday, May 20, from 6:00 t0 7:00 will be virtual on Zoom. Registration is required. Our in-person open-house-style event will be May 21 with exhibit tables and project team members at the Shaker Lakes Nature Center. Doors will be open 11:00 a.m. t0 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 to 7:00, no registration required.
WATCH: May 20 virtual meeting recording | Download slides
Project update: Thank you for your Lower Lake feedback
Posted February 22, 2024 / Updated April 2, 2024
In February we posted a survey link to learn more about how you choose to enjoy Lower Lake and what resources you enjoy most. Many residents responded to our three-minute survey to share more about their activities around the lake. Your responses will help us in the next phase of the project.
Take the survey / The survey is now closed.
Project update: Resources survey work to be conducted in December
Posted December 15, 2023
During the week of December 18, weather dependent, our project team will be conducting cultural survey work in the area. The cultural resources survey will involve investigating the project area for both subsurface (archaeological) and above-ground (history/architecture) cultural resources.
The archaeological component will consist of shovel testing in a grid pattern throughout the project area and subsequently sifting through the soil for precontact and historical artifacts with small shaker screens. The shovel test units will be re-filled with the sod cap replaced upon completion. The four-person field crew will be wearing hi-vis apparel (vests, shirts, coats, etc.) and dressed for the weather.
The history/architecture component will involve documenting any standing structures, objects, and other above-ground resources with digital photography. The field director will also be documenting the general setting surrounding the project area with field photography to understand the indirect impact the current undertaking may have to neighboring cultural resources.
The review of the setting will be conducted from public right-of-way and no private property access will be needed. Our survey will generally start in the morning once an acceptable amount of daylight is reached (about 8:00 am) and end in the late afternoon before dark sets in (about 4:00-5:00 pm).
If you have any questions about this work, please contact your Watershed Team Leader Cisco Rivera at (216) 881-6600, Ext. 6116 or RiveraF@neorsd.org if you have any questions or concerns regarding this work. You can also check back here for updates. Thank you.
Project update: October 2023
Thursday, October 5 Public Meeting (6:00-7:30 p.m.) via Zoom | Watch recording | Download slides
Saturday, October 7 Project Open House (10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.) between North Park and South Park Boulevards
Frequently Asked Questions (Updated October 5, 2023)
Project update: August 2023
Have you seen our crews out and about at Lower Lake? The pre-design phase involves gathering data and carefully recording information. It is a very important step in building a project! Pre-design work lays the foundation for the engineering, modeling, and feasibility of what will be installed in the future. Here are some of the data collection activities you may see us doing, along with a brief description:
Topographic Survey and Geotechnical Investigations:
Soil borings help engineers understand the composition and quality of the ground that they are working in. Does the ground have a lot of clay or sand? Is it dense? What is the moisture content and where is the bedrock layer? Answers to these questions will inform the structural design. During this work, the team will also very precisely locate the rise and fall of the land, location of above-ground utilities and create an overall map of the area.
Dam inspection:
When designing a new dam to replace an old one, it is critical that the engineers understand the condition of the existing dam. Because the current dam will be removed, they need to know if there are structural weak points that could threaten the site during the project. To complete the dam inspection, the water level in the lake must be lowered.
Fish survey and relocation:
Prior to lowering the water level at Lower Lake for the dam inspection, the District will be utilizing an approved technique called electrofishing to collect native species and relocate them downstream. Due to regulations, only native species can be relocated. While water will remain in Lower Lake, some fish may perish because of this inspection work. The relocation of the collected native fish will reduce that likelihood for the native fish population in Lower Lake.
Stay up to date on this project
If you have any questions, please contact us.
Virtual public meeting
Monday, October 21, 6:00-7:00 p.m. via Zoom: Watch recording | Download slides
Virtual public meeting
Monday, May 20, 6:00-7:00 p.m. via Zoom: Watch recording | Download slides
NEWS | Commentary: Design excellence is a must for new dam at Lower Lake in Shaker Heights, Cleveland Heights, via Steven Litt, cleveland.com (May 24, 2024) Full story
Shaker Heights Council Work Session (May 7, 2024) Webpage | Video
Cleveland Heights Council Meeting (May 6, 2024) Video
Frequently Asked Questions (Updated May 20, 2024)
Thursday, October 5 Public Meeting (6:00-7:30 p.m.) via Zoom | Watch recording | Download slides