LIST: Fees to remedy stormwater problems set to resume in July. 3 things to know in our latest #StormwaterProgram update
- Posted by Jared Shepherd
- April 13th, 2016
- in Miscellaneous
- No Comments
Since being authorized last September, the Sewer District has been preparing for a July 2016 restart of assessing regional stormwater management program fees.
An informational postcard will be mailed to customers this summer to remind them of the upcoming charges, explain how the fee is assessed and spent, and promote opportunities for credits by managing stormwater on their property. Besides the comprehensive FAQ we have available, here are 3 of the latest things to know.
1. The program’s plans aim to address stormwater problems
Solving stormwater problems (flooding, erosion, pollution) can be
difficult, since runoff from hard surfaces in one community drains into
another. A Stormwater Management Program provides a regional approach to
these problems. The Sewer District’s Regional Stormwater Management Program addresses flooding, erosion, and pollution problems by:
- building projects,
- maintaining streams and large pipes that carry stormwater,
- addressing regional drainage problems,
- providing technical expertise to communities, and
- developing green space.
2. The fee is assessed based on impervious surface.
The more impervious surfaces—parking lots, rooftops, and driveways—on your property, the greater your stormwater fee. Visit our online FeeFinder to determine your stormwater fee.
Residential properties
The fee is based on an Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU) equal to 3,000 sq. ft. of impervious surface, such as roof and driveway. The rate for one (1) ERU is $5.15 per month. Residences are placed in one of three categories:
- Tier 1 (less than 2,000 sq. ft. impervious surface)
- Tier 2 (2,000 to 4,000 sq. ft.)
- Tier 3 (more than 4,000 sq. ft.)
For 2016, a Tier 1 house pays $3.09 per month, a Tier 2 house pays $5.15, and a Tier 3 house pays $9.27.
Non-residential properties
A non-residential property is billed on the total number of ERUs of impervious surface it has. Visit our online FeeFinder to determine what you will be charged:
3. You have opportunities to reduce your stormwater fee.
Customers can receive a fee reduction—known as a fee credit—if they take measures to manage stormwater flowing from their properties. (Examples include rain barrels, rain gardens, and cisterns.) You can learn more about these credits and educational resources at or contact a Watershed Team Leader for details about opportunities on your property.
Contact us
If you have stormwater fee questions, check out our FAQ, or you can reach us in several ways:
- Twitter @neorsd #StormwaterProgram
- Ask our Customer Service staff
- Call (216) 881-8247
- Visit one of our traveling Roadshow events this summer coming to a community near you