FUN: @EPAWater plays Kardashians app, but here are 5 better water games you can play.
- Posted by Jared Shepherd
- July 22nd, 2014
- in Miscellaneous
- No Comments
Of all the games a water-focused agency could play, it had to be this one?
EPA Water’s Twitter account posted a status update July 22, saying the account holder had reached the C-List level of the Kardashian: Hollywood app. Chances are the user had mistakenly posted the update to the organization’s account rather than his or her personal Twitter.
Hey, it happens, right?
While Kardashian: Hollywood or Candy Crush may be your mobile vices, we have five better suggestions for more water-friendly educational games and apps.
Natural Water Cycle game
South East Water
Click and drag these steps in the water cycle to move water through its various states. Very basic, but great for elementary educators. (Flash required.)
Let the Poo Thru!
South Australia Water
“Let the Poo Thru” is an app that takes a look into our daily flushing habits and how they can affect the wastewater network. Just see what happens if you treat the toilet like a rubbish bin and don’t stop objects falling into the toilet! Your challenge is to identify the bad items and keep them out of the toilet, while making sure you let the poo thru. See how many points you can get and share your score with friends.” (iTunes and Google Play)
Operation Aqua
South Australia Water
Perfect for your 7-10-year-old future water professional: “This strategic real-time management game puts you in control of our water and the population’s happiness! Manage the various water resources to ensure demand is satisfied while keeping costs to a minimum and being aware of any environmental impacts.” (iTunes)
Will it float?
DC Water
Wastewater agencies collect and study bugs to help determine water quality. Did you know some insects can float on the water? In this game, kids create “craft” bugs using household items and guess whether the creation will float or sink.
Erika Knows Green
Erika teaches kids simple ways they can help conserve water resources at home. (iTunes and Google Play)
What other water-education apps do you recommend?