Flood Reduction at Riverview Road in Brecksville
Regional Stormwater Management Program project will reduce flooding along Riverview Road between Greenhaven Parkway and Wiese Road up to a 100-year storm event, accomplished by raising the elevation of the roadway and increasing the capacity of stormwater conduits in the project area.
Project update: January 2025
Advertisement for construction bids released in December 2024. Tree surveying is complete. Tree removal and gas utility installation to be performed by Enbridge January through February 2025. Utility relocation to be performed by First Energy- date to be determined.
Estimated Construction Start: April 2025
History of the Problem Area
The project area was identified during our Cuyahoga River South Stormwater Master Plan and by the City of Brecksville. Riverview Road has a history of flooding in the area between Greenhaven Parkway and Wiese Road. The topography of the area is low in elevation, with an upstream drainage area with steep surrounding slopes. Two southwestern tributaries to the Cuyahoga River pass under Riverview Road through crossings that are undersized for the amount of water they receive. These tributaries confluence downstream of Riverview Road, within the Cuyahoga Valley National Park, before discharging to the Cuyahoga River. A closed sediment vault system is located at the southwest corner of Greenhaven Parkway and Riverview Road, immediately upstream of one of these crossings. Erosion in the steep upstream watershed contributes sediment. As flows slow down as they enter the sediment vaults in this low lying area, allowing it to settle out and deposit within the vaults and storm sewers. This naturally occurring geomorphological process is also referred to as an alluvial fan. Due to the crossing sizes and sediment accumulation, the water has limited space to drain underneath Riverview Road. During rain events the water surpasses the top or crown of the crossings and flows over the road leading to road closures and impacting the residents directly in the project area from having access to their driveways or emergency services.
Project Concept
The project will raise Riverview Road up to 4-feet at the highest location. It will replace and increase the size of two crossings, remove the sediment vaults and replace them with an open concept channel, and provide additional storm sewers for drainage relief. The project will get Riverview Road up to the 100-year level of service. This means that even if Brecksville receives 5-inches of rain in a 24-hour period, the road will be passable to residents and emergency services. Greenhaven Parkway, Wiese Road, and the driveways in the project area will also be tied back into the new grade of the road.
The project requires coordination between the City, County, and National Park. The project is being performed in partnership with the City of Brecksville, who have committed $900,000 to the project through their Community Cost-Share funds.
Project Status: 100% Design | View our related public information
WATCH: View our public presentation, March 5, 2024
Estimated Construction Start: Late 2024/Early 2025
Estimated Construction Duration: 11 months
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