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Member Community Infrastructure Program (MCIP)

The Member Community Infrastructure Program (MCIP) is a funding program provided by NEORSD to assist member communities in addressing water quality and quantity issues associated with sewer infrastructure that adversely impact human health and the environment through cost-effective sewer infrastructure projects.

The intent of the MCIP is to provide an annual funding opportunity to member communities in the service area for sewer infrastructure repair and rehabilitation that will:

  • Continue progress towards environmentally sustainable and healthy communities through protection and improvement of the region’s water resources consistent with the vision of NEORSD.
  • Support efforts to assist member communities compliance with NEORSD’s Community Discharge Permit Program.
  • Improve function and condition of the local sewer system.
  • Identify and remove sources of inflow and infiltration from the sewer system. This reduction would preserve the hydraulic capacity of the local and NEORSD sewer system and alleviate problems such as basement flooding.
  • NEORSD anticipates funds will be available annually through a competitive process and upon approval of the Board of Trustees. NEORSD reserves the right to annually review and modify the terms and conditions of MCIP funding.

2025 MCIP Request for Proposals

    2024 Projects Awarded

    2023 Projects Awarded

    2022 Projects Awarded

    2021 Projects Awarded

      Policy, Process, and Procedure

      Direct Disbursement Form Upload Link
