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What better way to mark Ash Wednesday than with ashes? An ash lagoon, more specifically. In this image, crews are cleaning one of three ash lagoons at our Southerly Wastewater Treatment Center. These lagoons are the destination for ash resulting from our incineration process. You can see them in...

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Mackenzie’s knocking on Lake Erie’s door. The tunnel boring machine that is digging our Euclid Creek Tunnel project—an 18,000-foot journey 200 feet under Cleveland’s east side—is named Mackenzie. And in a few short weeks, the bed of Lake Erie will be 160 feet above her head. The photo above...

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Why is the Sewer District using social media? Because you are. That’s the simple answer we’ve offered before, but we recently presented these slides at a professionals networking event. It gives the past, present, and future of social media’s role in our communication efforts, and even includes a few...

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Here’s one birthday that’s a total crapper. Thomas J. Crapper, actually. January 13 marked the 150th birthday of plumber Thomas J. Crapper‘s invention, a one-piece pedestal for a flushing toilet that would revolutionize their operation—and sanitation in general. The Independent blogged about the birthday last week: …thanks to Thomas...

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