BUZZ: Where poo and pop culture collide, we are there. Watch Jessica take @BuzzFeed’s poo quiz.
Posted by Jared Shepherd
- December 5th, 2016
- in Miscellaneous
- No Comments
As your trusted authority for all things poo and pop culture, we considered it an obligation.
When BuzzFeed posted a “How poo obsessed are you?” quiz, we wondered—based on our areas of expertise—exactly how we’d fare in the final tally. We believed it would be irresponsible of us not to take it.
So we interviewed our own Community Relations Specialist Jessica Shutty, asking her to take the quiz (with no advanced knowledge of the questions). Her honesty and humor are unmatched in our social media archives, so enjoy the exchange.
In a related note, you can request a guest speaker on poo, wastewater, sustainability, stormwater, and a host of many other topics, whether humorous or professional or both.