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Bids and proposals


Active Bids and Date Bid Type Action
Currently Closed Bids Bid Type Action
Awarded Bid Type Action


Materials and services costing more than $77,250 are processed only after Board of Trustees authorization. The Purchasing Department formally advertises for bids for materials, or the user department issues a Request For Proposal.

Procurement for Bid process, paper bids (Phasing out later this summer):

  • Bids are advertised. The District advertises for solicitation of bids in local newspapers, trade journals, and the Sewer District website.
  • Plans and specifications are made available and bids are opened. To obtain plans and specifications, please click on the download link on the bids website, for the desired project, and download necessary bid documents. Bids are to be returned to the Finance Department, located at 3900 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115,in a sealed envelope, indicating the project name, and must be time-stamped prior to the bid opening time, on the assigned bid-opening date. At that time, all bids received are opened and the unofficial totals are read aloud, publicly. The bid amounts will be available for viewing on this website at approximately 3:00 p.m. the same day.
  • Bids are reviewed and a winner is awarded. The bids are forwarded to the requesting and Legal Departments for review. The requesting department determines which bidder meets the requirements and requests approval to award a contract. The Purchasing department processes the contract and purchase order following approval by the Board of Trustees.

Procurement for Bid process, Electronic bids (Via the OpenGov portal):

  • Bids are advertised. The District advertises for solicitation of bids in local newspapers, trade journals, the Sewer District website, and the NEORSD OpenGov portal.
  • Plans and specifications are made available and bids are opened. To obtain project documents and electronically submit bids, please click on the link on the bids website for the desired project. Bids must be completed and submitted within the OpenGov portal before the bid opening day and time as listed on the OpenGov site. At that time, all submitted bids are automatically unsealed and bid amounts will be are publicly listed on the OpenGov project page.
  • Bids are reviewed and a winner is awarded. The bids are forwarded to the requesting and Legal Departments for review. The requesting department determines which bidder meets the requirements and requests approval to award a contract. The Purchasing department processes the contract and purchase order following approval by the Board of Trustees.


Public information data is furnished on this site as a public convenience by the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District, and must be accepted and used by the recipient with the understanding that the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District makes no warranties, expressed, implied or otherwise concerning the accuracy, completeness, reliability, or suitability of this data.

Furthermore, the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District assumes no liability whatsoever associated with the use or misuse of such data. If you have any questions, comments or concerns please contact Linda Shomon.