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People have asked me what surprised me the most here in Sochi. It’s this. Without question … it’s … THIS. — Greg Wyshynski (@wyshynski) February 4, 2014 Journalists covering the Olympics are tweeting their experiences as they have arrived in Sochi this week. Two words: Not good. Despite...

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One brew company estimated 50 million cases of beer are consumed on Super Bowl Sunday, resulting in 1.4 billion trips to the bathroom. With that many potty breaks, chances are that there’s more being flushed down the toilets than fluids and good ol’ TP. We hope everyone celebrates today’s...

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Statistics show we use the restroom about seven times every day. That means public restrooms get a lot of use, and based on the amount of wastewater we treat every day, we know that from experience. In 2013, your Sewer District found some unique opportunities to educate and communicate...

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Originally posted at Even media queen Oprah Winfrey needs to take care of her throne. Gayle King, a friend of Oprah’s, shared a photo earlier this month that proves anyone can benefit by knowing a thing or two about household plumbing basics. Thanks to NYC Water for sharing...

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If you run in sustainability circles nowadays, it’s a phrase you hear a lot: Green infrastructure, green infrastructure, green infrastructure. But in Cleveland, you might not be aware of just how many green infrastructure projects are planned or under construction right now in the Cleveland area. Seventy-eight, to be...

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