Public meetings: 2022-2026 rates, responsibilities, and resources
How are sewer and stormwater rates determined? And what do the dollars look like for the next 5 years? The Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District hosted three webinars and took questions on rates, our responsibilities, and your resources as a customer. You can watch any of those rebroadcasts below and download a copy of our slidedeck from the meetings.
2022-2026 rates
Our rates for 2022-2026 were approved by Trustees July 15, 2021. This collection of slides was shared at our Suburban Council of Governments meeting and includes details on our affordability and cost-saving programs.
#BehindTheBill: The work of the NEORSD
As a sewer and stormwater utility, much of our work is hidden but it affects many aspects of your daily life.
The toilet you flush, the sewers on the curb on your morning commute, the puddles you try to avoid in the parking lot, even the streams and culverts in your neighborhood. It’s all part of the work we do, and your rates make it possible.
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Where does it go?
To see where your sewer utility bill goes, start by following the flow of water.
The flush is just the beginning.
Why water down the drain is the start of a journey few see and even fewer understand.
Expensive, essential.
Tunnel construction comes with a huge price tag. But neglecting investment or mismanaging projects costs more.
Sewers, streams, in between
Neighborhoods are where sewers, streams, and the teams that protect them come together.